
Welcome To The Christmas Issue!

2020 is nearly over, so let's have a positive look forward to 2021 and what's been getting our attention here at Like Minds this week. From talks to incredible charitable donations and more.

We've just completed Episode 22 of BBTV with Rob Kerr. If you're interested in starting a new business or "side hustle" as Gary V would have it then take 15mins and watch his advice here.

We'll be back on Jan 6th with our old friend, author, speaker, and elevator, Minter Dial who will be talking about "How Being Yourself Makes You A Better Leader."

In the meantime enjoy the below, have a great Christmas (as much as we're allowed!) and I look forward to engaging with you in the new year!

Happy Christmas!

Content Curation

We thought we'd share this piece on "How to Use Content Curation to Create a Recurring Revenue Business." from Copyblogger. If you're thinking about creating one like this there's a great decision tree infographic on it all here.

How Being Yourself Makes You A Better Leader.

The underlying question is how to be your imperfect self and drive long-term success?

Coinciding with the launch of his newest book, You Lead, How Being Yourself Makes You A Better Leader (Kogan Page), Minter Dial delivers a refreshingly different message on how to become a successful leader for the future. Based on his real-life experiences and observations while working as and with CEOs around the world, You Lead is a different kind of leadership book, filled with personal accounts, a simple framework, and practical tips.

In his talk, combining his experience as a top executive at L'Oreal and as a groupie for a hippie rock'n'roll band, Minter will lay out what’s changed and why we all need to radically change our way of leading. He'll deliver the five keys needed for leaders to survive and thrive in the new environment.

After the talk, he'll be keen to exchange and dive into questions on such topics as how to bring ethics and politics into work? How to be vulnerable, fair, and firm? Just how much imperfection can we bring into the workplace?

Get 20121 off to an inspirational start and book your free place here.

Minter Dial, Author, Speaker & Elevator.

Amazon Founders $4.2 Charitable Donation.

MacKenzie Scott announced her 2nd major charitable contribution of the year, giving away nearly $4.2 billion to 384 organisations. Scott, who is a philanthropist and author as well as the ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, with him every step of the way as he built the company - has declared her ambition of giving away a significant portion of her wealth. CNN Business report.

MacKenzie Scott

How Couples Can Find Balance While Working From Home.

Some useful advice and tips from Harvard Business Review on WFH with your partner. Couples working from home during the pandemic face the challenge of balancing work and domestic responsibilities in a way that’s fair, and so far the ongoing crisis has largely reinforced existing gender gaps in the home.

The first step to reaching an equitable arrangement is to understand the sources of conflict. Then, couples can employ negotiation strategies often used in professional settings to improve cooperation, identify unmet needs, and get them met. Taking the time to develop a work-from-home strategy can help strengthen couples’ relationships now and after the pandemic. Read more here.

Harvard Business Review

Yet Another Streaming Service To Subscribe To.

Disney announced yesterday that their new Disney+ streaming service now has 86.8 million subscribers. An increase on the 73 million that the company reported at the end of its fiscal 4Q.

They also announced the creation of over 100 movies and shows connected to franchises like Star Wars, Marvel, FX, and National Geographic. Full details at CNBC.
