
Welcome to Issue 5

So we've finally hit December. That's a year to forget, isn't it!

What are you looking forward to next year? Have you get your Q1 mapped out yet and if so how different have you planned it to Q1 this year?

We're still moving on with our virtual events, the weekly Wednesday Business Breakfast has proved a real success and we've heard from some amazing speakers over the last 20 episodes. If you want to catch up on ones you've missed they're all here.

Our Great British Business Expo was a triumph too. We achieved a 98.7% turn out with around 300 people coming together to learn, network, and listen to some real actionable content and we were delighted to host Alpesh Patel OBE, a Board Advisor to No.10 who spoke on the various funding opportunities available to SME's.

If you want to see all the recordings from the day, 4 keynotes, and 12 workshops they're available for £30+vat. Just reply to this email and we'll organise a code for you to view them as many times as you like.

The next two business breakfasts are below so do join us on Wednesdays for 30mins of networking, a great talk, and the chance to engage with our speakers in the Q&A afterward.

Have a great week!

Andrew “Drew” Ellis


Alastair Dryburgh on "This Is Not A Recession"

Our Guest on Episode 20 of Business Breakfast TV is Alastair Dryburgh on "This Is Not A Recession"

The crisis we are living through may feel like a recession, but it is something fundamentally different, something that needs to be handled in a completely different way. The recession playbook - tighten up, hunker down and wait for the recovery - will not work.

This crisis is not a recession but a reconfiguration; a once-in-a-lifetime event of discontinuous change. The stakes are raised. Imagine where you will be, say, in October 2022. You may be exhausted and weakened, permanently diminished, or heading out of business. Or, you will be looking back at this period and reflecting that, for all the chaos, this crisis was the best thing that could have happened.

It blew everything apart, opening paths that would otherwise have remained closed. It accelerated trends to your advantage. It created new urgent needs for you to satisfy. Very unlikely that you will be looking back from a position similar to where you were pre-crisis, congratulating yourself on getting back to normal. Back to normal isn't going to happen.

Attend Here

Alastair Dryburgh

Andy Lopata on “When somebody asks ‘How are you?’ Your reply will never be the same again.”

Our Guest on Episode 21 of Business Breakfast TV is Professional Relationships Strategist Andy Lopata.

The challenges of recent years have brought to the forefront the need to allow others to support us, both personally and professionally. But it still isn’t easy or natural for many.

Being transparent and comfortable sharing vulnerability with the right people, in the right way, allows us to enhance not just our sense of wellbeing but also our creativity, productivity, mental resilience and the likelihood of achieving our goals.

In Just Ask, Andy Lopata will explore the change in mindset needed to embrace the support of our networks and the power of doing so. He will look at the importance of being vulnerable, what stops us from doing so, and some simple steps to share with confidence and ease.

Attend Here

Andy Lopata