
Latest Events

We've some fabulous events coming up which I wanted to share with you below.

You can just listen or join in on the BBTV shows and network with the audience and speakers. They are a chance to learn from some of the key insights they have to share and discuss them or if you can't make it you can watch the replays later at BusinessBreakfast.TV

We've also got the Great Britsh Business Festival coming up on March 31st so if you would like to run a workshop and take an Expo Booth please email me here.

Andrew “Drew” Ellis


Jan 13th: Business Breakfast TV – Episode 24

Our Guest on Episode 24 of Business Breakfast TV is Leadership Coach, Penny Ferguson.

"Leadership – is it about you or others?"

Penny Ferguson, well known for her personal leadership programme that has been delivered and inspired over 65,000 attendees and translated into 5 languages, shares her journey towards understanding the real meaning and importance of leadership …. in every part of life.

She will share a number of tips that can be put into immediate action demonstrating how small behaviour changes can have a significant impact.

Book Here

Andrew “Drew” Ellis

Jan 27th: Business Breakfast TV – Episode 25

Our Guest on Episode 25 of Business Breakfast TV is brand creator, author & speaker, David Gluckman.

"Corporate Cojones. How large corporations can innovate like tiny, agile start-ups. Because we did."

In his talk, David Gluckman takes a retro look at his 36-year brand development consultancy with a company that started life (for him) as IDV in 1969 and ended up as Diageo, the world’s largest drinks company.

His decades-long stint provided the opportunity to fail as well as to succeed; to understand how to manage brand development on a global scale; and how to find the most successful pathways for new ideas through an international organisation.

His talk demystifies a process that is often portrayed with ‘rocket science complexity’. He talks about practices that saved time and enormous amounts of money. And he offers a template that any large corporation can adopt.

His list of brands includes Baileys Irish Cream, Sheridan’s, Le Piat d’Or, The Singleton, Aqua Libra, Purdey’s, Smirnoff Black, Ciroc, and Tanqueray Ten.

His experiences are chronicled in his first book “That s*it will never sell!” published by Prideaux Press. It is an anecdotal history of the brands he helped create, winners, losers, and some that never even made it onto the drawing board. His book is available on Amazon or via his website.

Book Here

Andrew “Drew” Ellis

March 31st: The Great British Business Festival

Showcase your business on a global stage.

In 2020 the world pressed “RESET” and everything we ever knew about the way things were done was turned upside down overnight. The way we do business changed and with it the way we do expos, conferences, and networking.

That’s why we brought you the Great British Business Expo ONLINE in November 2020 and why we’re pleased to announce the Great British Business Festival taking place on Wednesday 31 March 2021

It’s an even bigger and better event, a jam-packed day with global and local, expert speakers, seminars, and workshops with an exhibition featuring the best in British business to help you grow and scale your business.

With the added benefit of a virtual setting on an innovative exhibition platform, the Great British Business Festival is a truly international affair enabling small business owners and entrepreneurs to connect right across the world

Whether you choose to join us to visit, exhibit, speak, or sponsor you can be assured of connecting with the very Best of British Business at the Great British Business Festival.

Andrew “Drew” Ellis