
Latest Events


We've some great online events coming up for you below around leadership development.

Our guest on Episode 53 of Lunch Bites is Jude Jennison, an expert in developing senior leaders and aligning executive teams through disruptive change and uncertainty. Then our Guests on Episode 57 of Lunch Bites are the creators of The Radical Mindful Leadership Programme, Karen Liebenguth, and Andrew McNeill.

On September 8th we have The B2b Influencer Marketing Summit, an event solely focused on the rapidly growing area of influencer marketing with the B2b marketplace. Hosted by leading influencer marketing strategist Gordon Glenister.

Our Guests on Episode 57 of Lunch Bites are the creators of The Radical Mindful Leadership Programme, Karen Liebenguth, and Andrew McNeill.

Traditional advertising has waned in effectiveness as we become overwhelmed with content. Relevance and personalisation have never been more important. People connect more with thought leaders and influencers that speak with authority and authenticity.

Join us to learn more about this growing marketing channel, engage with the speakers, and build your own influencer via the networking opportunities.

Have a great weekend!

Photograph by Reinaldo
