
Welcome to Issue 24

It feels like the wheels are turning again in the business world. Opportunites are starting to blossom along with the Spring Fora and Fauna down here in Devon.

We managed to take some time off to recharge over the weekend, and as you can see from the photo, I was first on Tregonhawke Beach, Freathy, a tiny community of beach huts in Cornwall that cling to the cliff face, tumbling down to the beach. It's amazing how much just 24hrs relaxing, listening to the waves, and reading in the sun can re-energize you so much.

Talking of energy we've more amazing speakers for you over the next two weeks, to help motivate and inspire you, so do join us as our audience of entrepreneurs and business leaders navigate their way back into the new future of work.

Plus the TLA Remote Working Group has a series of fabulous events lined up beginning May 10th, do check them out below. I'm hosting one on 'Tried and Tested' tips and tools in Clubhouse on Thursday 13th so do please join me.

Andrew “Drew” Ellis
