
The Nudge Ideas Festival Videos

It was fantastic to see so many familiar and new faces at the Rougemont Hotel for the Nudge Ideas Festival on March 25th. Many thanks to those of you attending, much business was done and new relationships forged.

We've finished editing all the videos and they'll be premiering on our YouTube Channel every Wednesday at 10 am. The first one up is Arti Halai talking on "How To Present" and no matter where you're presenting. at work meetings, external presentations or just giving a speech her excellent framework will help you improve your presenting style.

Make sure you're subscribed to our YouTube Channel to receive alerts before 10 am on all our keynotes every Wednesday.

Photo by Poppy Jakes

The Like Minds Podcasts

Jake Shaw our "podcaster in residence" took the time to interview our speakers' post keynote. We'll be launching these in the coming days so look out for them on our website next week.

Photo by Jacob Hodgson on Unsplash