
Released Back Into The Community

It's been a very social couple of weeks and I'm already exhausted! It feels very strange meeting people in the flesh for a change.

I've been back in London again, last week found me contributing to a documentary on Hipgnosis the record sleeve design team I worked with at my first job in the music industry, based at 6 Denmark Street.

Directed by Anton Corbijn and produced by Ged Doherty at Colin Firth's production company Raindog Films, it's going to be a fascinating look back at probably the most famous sleeve design agency there was.

This week I've been attending a client's birthday party at Petersham Nurseries in Covent Garden in a greenhouse in what can only be described as sauna-like conditions. I thought the red drinks were alcohol-free – turns out they were rather thirst-quenching raspberry Margerhitas...

Everyone seemed so excited to be out and mingling again and I have to admit I found it hard work, having almost lost the art of conversation with people in real life over the last 18 months. However, it was a delight to be back amongst everyone rather than via a screen, and having a few drinks. They all looked so tall!

This was followed by a leisurely lunch at White City House with another old friend from my music industry days. We're cooking up something special for January so watch this space for an announcement towards the end of this year.

In the meantime we have Influencer Marketing Expert, Gordon Glenister joining us at our new time of 1 pm on Wednesday 28th. Come and join us over a virtual sandwich or whatever you're fancying that lunchtime, and hear how influencer marketing can help your business grow and scale.

Petersham Nurseries


July 28th: Gordon Glenister on “Understanding Influencer Marketing”

Our Guest on Episode 50 is Influencer Marketing Expert, Gordon Glenister.

Global influencer marketing is worth close to $15bn. It has been a meteoric rise and more and more brands are working with people of influence to convey their brand message. So how do you do this effectively?


Gordon Glenister is an influencer marketing expert and author of how to create a successful influencer marketing strategy. Gordon will share with us his insights and thoughts about how you can create an influencer strategy in your business.

Andrew “Drew” Ellis