
Issue 31

So we won then, amazing. Well done England (and Ukraine) roll on Saturday!

Next week we have Leadership Mindshift Expert Mel Ross on “How to unlock who you are as a leader” this will be a great session for those of you who suffer from imposter syndrome or just want to understand how you can improve as a business leader.

Following that, we have our good friend and newly minted author Felix Velarde on “How to triple the size of your business” Felix’s book, Scale at Speed: How to triple the size of your business and build a superstar team was published worldwide by Hachette in June 2021. The self-evaluation tool to accompany the book can be found at:

So do join us and engage with these exceptional speakers who will each help you to grow and scale personally and professionally. Just like Harry has.

Harry Kane, scores England's second goal v. Germany.
