
Issue 28

Isn't it great to see the nice weather returning, and hopefully, everything opening up again in June.

I managed my first fishing trip of the year at the weekend and took this shot as I walked down to the local fishing spot at Hopes Nose in Devon. Of course, I caught absolutely nothing but the five hours I spent down there recharged my batteries and allowed me to relax screen-free for a morning. It was bliss.

So don't forget to take time away from the screen we're all so focused on these days, it's so important. Go for a walk in a local park or by the sea, if you're near a coast, take your shoes off and feel the earth or sand beneath your feet. Reconnect with nature. If it's warm enough I'm thinking about going wild swimming in the River Dart this weekend.

Right, that's enough mindfulness - on with the show we have for you next week!

Hopes Nose, Torquay
