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It's getting colder down here in Devon and the fauna are out hunting. It's something we all need to be doing for our businesses right now as well.

However, it increasingly seems we are losing control over how we work, socialise, and basically live our lives. Our next guest on BBTV shares how continuous learning can be an answer for employers and individuals to combat the negative effects of fear, isolation, demotivation, and job losses exacerbated by the current pandemic.

And as we head into the second lockdown, now's the time to get promoting your business digitally without having to build anything online yourself. Book a digital booth and run a 1hr workshop around your area of specialisation and we'll set it all up for you. All you have to do is turn up!

We've kept prices deliberately low as we appreciate we're all facing challenging times. Booths are £99+vat and 1her workshop hosting is £149+vat.

Come and join us and let's help each other to keep the wolf from the door.

Image: Nathan Wolfe on Unsplash


Katherine Baker, Founder of Intrinsic Energy.

Our Guest on Episode 17 of Business Breakfast TV is Katherine Baker, Founder of Intrinsic Energy on "Rethinking what we can control to empower our futures".

As we enter into another lockdown and things are taken away from us, what is it that we can really control? Katherine Baker, a live-virtual coach/facilitator for Fortune 500 companies, shares her passion and unfailing resolve in how she is helping thousands face this challenge. She will challenge us to rethink how we tackle our problems, plan for the future, and motivate those around us.

Katherine Baker

Great British Business Expo.

We’re bringing you the Great British Business Expo, a jam-packed day with global and local, expert speakers, seminars, and workshops with an exhibition featuring the best in British business to help you grow and scale your business.

With the added benefit of a virtual setting on an innovative exhibition platform, the Great British Business Expo is a truly international affair enabling small business owners and entrepreneurs to connect right across the world

20 Speakers, 12 Workshops, and 100 Expo Booths


Join Us On Guild.

Join our Like Minds community on the Guild platform.

Like Minds on Guild

Business Course

Business Courses

We've curated a fantastic selection of courses for you on the site. From how to run a high impact virtual event, to undertaking digital transformation or how to use LinkedIn effectively to increase your sales pipeline or find that ideal job role. All the courses have been vetted and are approved by the Like Minds University (Like Minds U).

Andrew "Drew" Ellis