
Welcome to Issue 17 – Spring Has Sprung!

We've had two exceptional speakers in the last couple of weeks; Dene Stuart on “A Thinking Revolution Can Solve Your Problem” and John Stapleton on “Turning Uncertainty into Competitive Advantage” if you missed them, just click on the links for the replays.

This week we have two speakers to profile for you; on March 10th it's Business Transformation Consultant, Stephen Karbaron who will be talking on "Goal Mapping" and the following week on March 17th we host the CEO of Gaia Innovation and Founder of the Automotive 30% Club, Julia Muir on “How To Build a Gender-Balanced Business. It’s Time for Deeds Not Words”. Check them out below.

Come and engage with them and join in with other entrepreneurs and business leaders for some Wednesday morning brain food.

Plus Like Minds Exeter is back! Yes we're excited too! Read on...

Photo: Bill Fairs on Unsplash.


Like Minds Exeter – August 2021

Yes we're coming back live and in-person! We're planning a small in-person event in late August in the hope we will all have been vaccinated by then.

It's going to be a small affair. We're limiting it to only 100 invited guests with some exceptional and inspiring speakers, stalls in the garden area, a fabulous lunch, cocktail masterclasses, succulent snacks, and evening drinks all included in the ticket price.

My question to you is what topics would you like us to cover? Email me here and tell me what you'd like to learn or who you'd like to hear from.

Like Minds Exeter

March 10th: Stephen Karbaron on “Goal Mapping”

Our Guest on Episode 31 of Business Breakfast TV is Business Transformation Consultant, Stephen Karbaron.

Stephen is a serial entrepreneur, World citizen, and protagonist for World Peace. Born in the UK, he has also lived and/or worked in Russia, Spain, Chile, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, USA, Turkey, and China.

His love of people, planet, and personal development have taken him to many countries and cultures, now focusing on bringing them all together for a more conscious and sustainable future. Stephen’s life purpose is “Making the World a better place for all”.

After discovering Goal Mapping at Anthony Robbins’ Date With Destiny in 2006, his 10-year Goals all came together in 2016! In 2017 he was introduced to Brian Mayne, who had invented the Goal Mapping system, and they have become close friends.

Stephen was fortunate to be personally coached by Brian in 2019 to become a Goal Mapping Master Coach and has used it for his own breakthroughs and success, whilst sharing it with many students this year and helping them navigate the challenging times we are in. Goal Mapping can be used to attain your dreams and aspirations in general life, relationships, and business.


Stephen Karbaron

March 17th: Julia Muir on “How To Build a Gender-Balanced Business. It’s Time for Deeds Not Words”

Our Guest on Episode 32 of Business Breakfast TV is Julia Muir, CEO of Gaia Innovation and Founder of the Automotive 30% Club

In this talk, Julia Muir will urge you to find your purpose and leave a lasting positive legacy by building a winning inclusive, gender-balanced business. You will learn:the business benefits of gender- balance

• how to inspire, reform and inform

• how to find your purpose and reason for being

• the six steps to success

• why you must act now to be a game changer

• the impact on the future generation

Julia is the award-winning founder of the Automotive 30% Club, CEO of Gaia Innovation Ltd, and author of Change the Game: the Leader’s route Map to a Winning Gender-Balanced Business. She founded the Club in 2016; a network of over 40 automotive CEOs, with the aim of filling at least 30% of key leadership roles with diverse women by 2030.

Many members have now achieved this in their top teams and are building gender-balanced pipelines. She leads networks of volunteers to engage with youngsters in schools to inspire them to break stereotypes, and broaden career horizons, and organises awards to celebrate and recognize women in the sector.

She has also created the Inspiring Super Network of people working in automotive who wish to help women to progress and publishes an eZine with motivational and supportive content.

A veteran of the automotive industry, she is a VP of the Automotive Fellowship International, a member of the Silverstone Technology Cluster Gender Equality and Diversity Committee, and is also a member of the steering committee of the global 30% Club.


Julia Muir