
Welcome to Issue 12

We've reached February already and it seems to me that this year is already starting to move ahead at speed.

Talking of speed our friend, MC, collaborator, and most connected man in Britain, Oil Barrett, brought Speed Networking to the UK. He has now produced a course on "How to Build A Better Network". It's full of hints and tips on expanding your reach and the different ways of staying in touch with people. Something that has become crucially important during the enforced periods of lockdown that we've all had to experience recently.

We've been working hard behind the scenes curating the next few weeks guests on BBTV so do check them out and book your ticket.

We're also starting to see a surge in demand for the Great British Business Festival on March 31st. We only have a few workshop places left already so if you'd like to run one please get in touch before they sell out.

We also have a number of Expo Booths available for you to showcase your business to the several thousand attendees we have coming along, so don't leave it too late!

We also selected a couple of interesting articles that caught our eye this week.

Andrew “Drew” Ellis